The Unique Property
Site Blog
The Big Hiatus
So, where to now?
The quiet before the storrm? I cant say much at the moment
because I haven’t a clue whether it’s all change, or more of the
same rubbish.
I cant say I’m surprised at the queen’s death. I think she had
started to lose interest, and at 97 I dont blame her. But that
has led to a week of silence on all other fronts. Maybe by the
middle of next week things will start to return to normal.
Charley on top of the pile now? It’s supposed to be no change at
the top, but who knows? Once upon a time I was a supporter of
Prince Charles. Despite the sarcastic comments from others, I
thought he did some rather good things. But I’m out of touch.
But from what I gather his popularity, if he ever had any, has
dwindled somewhat.
As for Number Ten, the obvious move for Ms Truss would be to sue
for peace all round. Is she up to the task? We dont need wars in
the modern age. That’s for barbarians.
The next obvious task would be to make a start on trying to get
the UK self sufficient in food and energy. Food is a difficult
one with such a ridiculously large population, but self
sufficiency in energy is easy.
If neither of those pre-eminent tasks is undertaken Britain will
start to sink into the middle ages, which takes me into this
week’s main topic.
I suspect the new administration will try and throw money at the
problems, which will not solve them, and will trash the
currency. It will also put a large proportion of the population
out of work. That will trash the property market. Already
restaurants and pubs are close to bankruptcy. But who is going
to buy up a flood of pubs coming onto the market, when a
depression is upon us? If matters aren’t sorted out by the end
of this month I fear that no-one is going to be foolish enough
to buy real estate for some considerable time.
What is so irritating is that all the current woes can be solved
in ten minutes. All Ms Truss has to do is ring up the Kremlin
and agree to drop sanctions within 24 hours and the problem is
solved. What’s the problem? Sanctions are only hurting the rest
of Europe, not Russia. Dropping the whole idiotic idea will
resolve matters. As for Kiev, if they want to flirt with
Washington, then more fool them.
We need no panics, no money printing, no job losses, no elderly
and infirm dying through hunger and cold, and normal service
resumed. In short, what is needed in government is some sanity.
A tall order. And if Truss cant work that out, and if she cant
see what that would do to her popularity rating then she isn’t
the right material to be living in Downing Street.
There is a glimmer of hope with France and Germany getting
together to try and persuade Kiev to get negotiating or else. As
a signatory to the Minsk Agreement Truss should be joining this
The next priority is to get Washington out of Europe. They have
done serious damage across this continent over the course of the
last thirty years, fomenting no less than three wars. This is
not the way forward. And the current interference is making us
all a heck of a lot poorer, and seriously uptight. There are
going to be a lot more people in the streets unless this gets
sorted within days rather than weeks.
Let’s hope that before we get into October some sense is
beginning to prevail and we can go back to some semblance of
normality. Even then we will have the debt problems to deal
with. I’ll try and get stuck into that subject next week. After
all, we already have half a dozen EU countries on the brink of
economic collapse after a ruling by the ECB during the summer
months. That is going to do some serious damage to various
governments’ ability to proceed. We could be close to a serious
rent in the euro.
I’m supposed to be a property man, and the way things are going
I dont know whether I’m better off with a home or the money. On
balance I’m going to stick with the home. There is a big
different between selling before the rout, and buying after the
rout. Keep in mind those important sayings. You make your profit
when you buy, not when you sell.
I think we need to sit down quietly, clear the head, and think
this through. I will try to do just that starting next week.